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The Sanitizer Decontamination Chamber in Combination with the BK2000
provides the latest technology in Air Sanitization.

Sanitizer Decontamination Chamber Kit includes:

  Sanitizer Decontamination Chamber
  Germicidal Liquid
  Eucalyptus Liquid & Dispenser
  Gauze Filters
  Plastic Pillow Bag

Reduces air-borne bacteria and contaminants by dispersing
germicidal vapor when used with the BK
as it filters out allergens from the air like:

Pet Dander
Tobacco Smoke

Can be used with eucalyptus, which would be effective in the treatment of respiratory conditions.

Can be used to sanitize and deodorize bed pillows, cushions, drapes, etc.
The Sanitizer Decontamination Chamber in combination with the BK2000 ensures whisper quiet cleaning.

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