Dave Mak
Dave began his career in 1977. He sold machines, with 30 personal sales as a best month until he felt he could teach others. In 1978, he became a trainer, tripling that office's production in three months using his own conceptual ideas regarding training. He was then asked to teach his training program to other distributors, becoming an assistant divisional supervisor.
He did that until 1981 when his boss was promoted to the factory staff, and went with him, teaching his training concepts nationwide with best results of 132 approved weekend sales, followed up by another 100 sales the next week.
In 1985, he put up his own money and started a franchise with himself, an office, phones, and furniture. He turned that into over 300 sales monthly, with 6 offices, while mentoring and promoting many distributors along the way.
In 1993, Dave entered the corporate world, learning even more, always ending up as the best at what he did.
In 2002, he consulted for Air-Tec for a brief time before making it a home.
Today we are pleased to have Dave aboard as our Director of Distributor and new business development nationally.
He gives because he believes that when he does, everyone wins. It is the best trait of his mentoring skills. He is available to teach and assist Air-Tec distributors regarding sales, sales training, sales management training and field work. We welcome his natural talents and urge you to use his talents and his team as needed.